Selling Resveratrol

I created marketing direction and wrote all copy for LifeTime Nutritional Specialties* Resveratrol Life Tonic.

The campaign succeeded; now Resveratrol Life Tonic is a featured flagship product for LifeTime. Visit their website and see. Click this link to see some of my copy.

I believe Resveratrol remains a sleeping giant. There’s no denying healthy aging, and resveratrol has considerable sex appeal in that sector. I’ll never forget around the same time I did this ad, I was involved in a conference call with a high-profile financeer who kept repeating “I’ll make you rich, Patrick. I’ll make you rich.” He was trying to get me to write for a resveratrol campaign that never materialized. He was onto something, though… he had the right marketing writer picked out, anyway.

* A quick side note on LifeTime, and blatant plug: LifeTime produces one of the most amazing supplements I’ve ever taken. It is called Calm & Calmer II. For me, it’s one of those rare products that you can feel working right away — and it’s true to its name!