In 1996, I bought my first cannister of Chocolate SPIRU-TEIN as a college student. Seven years later, I was writing SPIRU-TEIN copy for Nature’s Plus. It’s funny how the universe works. Nature’s Plus gave me my start in the Natural Products Industry, and for that I am forever grateful.
At the time, I was working in a private investigation firm. I saw the ad for a copywriter, applied and was called in for a “test.” My boss wouldn’t let me take an afternoon off, so I had to quit my job in order to take the test. I later learned that this was the third test given to find a copywriter; no one had passed. It was me and ten other applicants in one room. We were given company literature and asked to write product copy in 30 minutes. I remember chuckling to myself as I wrote about Animal Parade children’s supplements: “Cherry Elephants, Lemon Lions, Nutrition in Disguise!” I got the job.
In R&D, I had a fantastic crash course about writing for the industry. Anyone who knows Nature’s Plus is familiar with their rapidly expanding product catalog. The workflow was brutal at times, but I absorbed like a sponge. I didn’t just churn out product copy, I created a “voice” for Nature’s Plus that resonated with Founder Gerald Kessler’s style. This is especially evident in my writing for Source of Life, SPIRU-TEIN and Animal Parade: Three flagship products and true industry icons. It was a privilege to write about them!