Energy Times is a custom magazine distributed in health food stores. I wrote for Energy Times at its peak; 525,000 circulation. During an Energy Times leadership change I made a precocious proposal to become Publisher — and was denied. I did, however, become Executive Editor.
I steered the editorial back on track to its true mission: Selling nutritional supplements. I brought the magazine’s content to a pinnacle, making it compelling in a way that inspired readers to visit their local health food store. Plus, I ushered in the era of Celebrity Natural Health Interviews that still remains a hallmark of Energy Times.
Click the image to see the articles and ads that I wrote as Executive Editor in one Energy Times issue. My Prolotherapy article sparked tons of reader interest in this complementary therapy; illustrating that the Natural Health Writer sells more than supplements. For this issue, I also spearheaded Energy Times’ first web 2.0 venture: an interactive online debate, Vegan vs. Carnivore. Overall, combining ads and editorial, I wrote over 60% of this particular issue…saving thousands on our budget.