OmniActive Health Technologies has won Frost & Sullivan’s 2011 Global Product Differentiation Excellence Award for Eye Health Ingredients.
OmniActive won for their Lutemax 2020™ combination of lutein and zeaxanthin, which outshone best-in-class competitors by excelling in unique product development, quality assurance, market acceptance, potential growth opportunities and brand perception.
OmniActive Vice President Hiren Doshi said, “On the day of this singular recognition from Frost & Sullivan, we thank all those who have assisted in researching, producing and marketing this unique ingredient worldwide.”
To Hiren I say, “You’re quite welcome!” The Natural Health Writer was the voice behind one of OmniActive’s biggest marketing initiatives of 2010, part of a tremendous team effort that contributed to their award-winning year.
All kudos to OmniActive: One of the industry’s brightest companies, with an amazing team, an unparalleled dedication to quality, and a line of science-backed products that represent the very best of what nutritional supplements can achieve.